Teaching robotics to kids without resources
Proposed by Danaus
Where: Michoacan, Mexico
Public: General public
Age: 5 to 15
When: 24 to 28 of August 2015
Price: Free
Learning robotics can change the future of kids that have no other vision of the world than the closed one that they are living since childhood.
If robotics learning can be important for kids of the first world, importance increases when applied to kids that have no resources to go to school and whose parents see no point at going.
With this program we try to show kids that do not have resources to go to school, that school can have very interesting applications, and that there is a full world outside there for them to explore.
We will use the real Thymio robot, as well as simulations of the Thymio robot within The Construct simulator hub (www.theconstructsim.com).
We will teach kids:
- the difference between hardware and software
- the difference between the real robot and its simulation
- how a program can change the behavior of a robot
- how to program the robot using visual tools through a tablet
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