Home page
We have reorganized Thymio website to better serve you.

Most of the content was moved to www.thymio.org in which we added news, teacher’s feedback and a lot of new things that we encourage you to discover.
- No content of wiki.thymio.org will be erased, but, for the sake of clarity, the top and side links will be modified. In order to access all the pages, click here. In order to access the contributor centre, click here.
- In case there are links problems with wiki.thymio.org, it may come from the fact that we changed from www.thymio.org to wiki.thymio.org. The solution is to change the link accordingly (i.e. www.thymio.org/en:creations becomes wiki.thymio.org/en:creations) We already automatically redirected some core pages but some of the content that stays on the wiki might not be redirected automatically.