Following existing robot competition could be interesting also from an educational point of view to develop strategies to win a wrestling challenge.
The rules should be (for instance):
1) the looser is who abbandon the filed by exiting a well defined perimeter
2) every robot does his best in making the other(s) robot(s) exiting the ring
3) if the time limit is exceeded, the robot near the center of the ring is the winner
Someone interested?
Some questions: has a thymio enough power to push away another thymio? (Some lego gears can be arranged to get mor force and less speed from motors). Can a Thymio "sense" that another Thymio is near him, or look for another Thymio in a confined ring (withouth exiting a black trail, but this is simpler).
Could be an idea for next Thymio programmers event…
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