I use an old Philips TV remote control which works well with Thymio, in the battery compartment it shows:
RC 7599/01
SBC RP 420
Another Philips TV RC I have shows:
RC7540/00 N
3178 127 00571
It might be worth looking around in a junk shop.
I have now revisited the problem of independently controlling several Thymios and although I did not take the last step I could see that the solution proposed on the IR page is viable. I used a Philips universal remote controller (urc) model SRP2008B which I bought recently for about 25$. This can control up to 8 devices. The code for Philips is 2195.
In the setup instructions after entering this code one should switch on the device to be controlled and then hold down the ON/OFF switch on the urc until the device switches off, at which point the ON/OFF switch must be released. In the case of Thymio of course it does not switch off, but one can see by the IR detector red LEDs flashing on Thymio that the urc is being detected. I performed this setup for the urc devices TV-2 and CABLE. In both cases I tested this using Thymio with the purple built-in behaviour and the 2, 4, 6 and 8 buttons worked correctly.
Then I connected Thymio to Aseba on my PC and tested to see what values were in the RC5-address and RC5-command variables when the urc was used.
With TV-2 the address was 0 as expected and for CABLE it was 10. Clearly a program/script can be written to recognise by the value in the RC5-address variable whether it should react to the command or not. One obvious way to do this is to have a program/script with a constant which can easily be changed between loading the code to one Thymio or another. Another method would be to cause a given Thymio to take up a different identity by using the buttons in a way which the program/script would detect.
Incidentally I have my own IR program which I made using some of the existing built-in code with added modifications so that Thymio can be steered around but will also not bump into objects in its path. Anybody interested can send me a PM.