Dear VPL users,
An alpha version of Thymio VPL Mobile Preview is available for testing:
If you own an Android tablet or phone, you can try this app. It is open-source under LGPL v.3, please see for more details.
This is a developer preview. Please report bugs and requests at Features are constantly changing without notice. Similarly, the data format will likely be changed and saved programs will be lost. Do not base any serious work on this app yet!
You need a Thymio robot and an USB On-The-Go adapter to use this app. Connect the USB dongle (if wireless Thymio) or the USB cable (wired Thymio) to the OTG adapter, and plug the latter into your mobile device. Then start the app. When requested for permission to use the USB device, allow usage.
You can follow the development here:
Enjoy VPL on the move!