Thymio events
Here is a list of all activities concerning Thymio that are done around the world.
Where: Verdeto di Agazzano (PC) Italy
When: 2-7 July 2017
Public: General public
Age: 11-14
Learn to play - play to learn Thymio
Where: Technopolis - Mechelen - Belgium
When: 1-17 April 2017
Public: General public
Age: 8+
R2T2 Caribbean and America - Admin page
Where: Caribbean and America
When: Tuesday 24 January
Public: Other
Age: 8 - 15
Where: Caribbean and America
When: Tuesday 24 January //
Public: //General public
Age: 8 - 15
Where: Verdeto di Agazzano (Piacenza) Italy
When: from July the 3rd to the 8th
Public: Other
Age: //11-14 //
Where: Toronto Canada
When: 5th of March to 24th of April
Public: General public
Age: 6-99
Where: EPFL and around the world
When: 4/11/2015
Public: Other
Age: 6 to 16 y.o.
Discovering Thymio for The First Time
Where: İstanbul Kognitron @ MakerÇocuk
When: 25.11.2015
Public: General public
Age: 5-7
Teaching robotics to kids without resources
Where: Michoacan, Mexico
When: 24 to 28 of August 2015
Public: General public
Age: 5 to 15
Where: Zurich, Switzerland
When: Now
Public: Teachers
Age: Public Schools: 1. KiGa - 3. Klasse
Teacher training (French) Robots en classe
Where: EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
When: 29th of April 2015
Public: Teachers
Age: -
Propose an activity
Do you organise a workshop, a demo, or any activity concerning Thymio? Did you hear about someone who does? In three clicks you can tell people!
Attention, you have to be signed in this website to add an activity.