Upgrade Thymio
Before starting, make sure that your Thymio is properly charged: the battery indicator must show three bars when the robot is not connected.
Step by step
If Aseba Studio is running, close it before proceeding. It should not be open during the update process.
1. Download and install Aseba 1.5.3 or ulterior version (available here).
2. Connect Thymio to your computer with the USB cable.
3. Start the Thymio Firmware Upgrader software.
4. Select Latest official firmware and click on Upgrade.

5. Confirm by clicking Yes and wait until the progress bar shows 100%.
6. Your robot is updated ! You can exit the software.
More information
Do not use any other .hex files not designed for Thymio II! This could permanently damage your robot.**
What is a firmware?
The firmware is the software inside your Thymio. It provides the pre-programmed behaviours and allows you to program the robot. It is not the software you write for Thymio. Just as with the software on your computer or your smartphone, you can upgrade the firmware so as to add new features or to correct bugs.
My code isn't working anymore
Depending on the version of the firmware that was previously in your robot, updating the firmware might change the name of some variables and functions, therefore you may have to adapt your code, please refer to the programming interface page for more details.