It is currently work in progress, feel free to correct mistakes if you find some
This page describes the programming interface (API) of the Smartrob.
About the API
Visible and Hidden parts
The API can be subdivided in two major parts:- Visible Part
- This subset of the API is safe to use. Some range checking is done on the variables and native functions. It should not be possible to crash the microcontroller when using it.
- Hidden Part
- This subset is unsafe to use blindly. You must double-check what you are doing when using such variables or native functions. You can crash the microcontroller, burn it or damage the whole robot. Such variables or natives functions are hidden by default in Studio1. These begin with a “_” or have “_.” in their names and will be displayed in gray in Studio.
Some native functions and variables use angles. In Aseba, the angles are 16-bit integers where $-32768$ is equal to $-\pi$, $0$ is a null angle, and $32767$ is almost equal to $\pi$.
In the documentation of native functions, variables in capitals letters denote vectors, while variables in minuscules denote scalars. Variables in capital letters with indices, such as $A_i$ mean for all $i$ in the range of indices of $A$.
A hidden functionality of Aseba is the settings subsystem. It allows to retain the calibration constants across power downs. These settings should not be modified without special care.They are stored inside the flash of the microcontroller and thus only a limited number of write cycles is allowed.
Native functions to access settings
- _system.reboot
- Hard-reset the microcontroller immediately. The microcontroller will execute the bootloader immediately after the reset.
-, v)
- Read the setting number $a$ and put its value in $v$.
- _system.settings.write(a, v)
- Write the setting number $a$ with value $v$.
- _system.settings.flash
- Flash the settings inside the microcontroller's flash.
Using this API is really dangerous as the flash wears every time you write to it.
An event has a source and an optional payload. These are available in the following variables:- event.source
- The node identifier of the incoming event. Only valid for external events. If you write it, you lose the identifier of the last received event.
- event.args
- The arguments (payload) of the incoming event. Only valid for external events. If you write it, you lose the arguments of last received event.
Node information
The following hidden variable gives information about the node in the Aseba network:- _id
- The node identifier of the current virtual machine, as defined by the physical selector. Unsafe to write.
- _fwversion
- The firmware's version of the microcontroller. Unsafe to write.
Standard library of native functions
The Smartrob comes with the Aseba standard library of native functions, documented on its own page.
Motor Controllers
The two motor controllers use the same interface, which is described in this section. Thus the variables, native functions and event names are prefixed by the motor's name, which is either mot1 or mot2. We will use the name “M” in this section.
Principle of Operation
The controller of the motor is a triple PID controller nesting current, speed and position sub-controllers. Therefore there is one PID for setting the current to the motor, one for setting the speed, and one for setting the position, as shown in this figure:
This architecture is flexible as it allows to set limits on maximum current or maximum speed. One can disable the position controller and directly feed the input of the speed controller to directly control the speed of the motor. One can apply the same override to the current controller. The following pseudocode shows the generic code of the PID controller. The PD or PI controllers are architecturally similar with the corresponding term set to zero:
(1)As the speed and position time constants are not in the same order of magnitude as the current ones, the current controller must run at a higher frequency than the speed and position controllers. The current controller filters the current through an IIR filter with the same time constant as the motor thermal time constant. This ensures that the current sent to the motor is never higher than its nominal current.
- The absolute value of the maximum current in the motor in milliamperes. If higher than the nominal current the controller will internally automatically reduce it to avoid overheating.This allows to set the maximum torque of the motor.
- The maximum speed of the motor. The unit depends on implementation.
Warning: The maximum speed is not enforced if the controller is set to current mode. -
- The selection of the controller:
0: The controller is disabled, the motor is short-circuited.
1: Only the current controller is enabled. Use to set the target current.
2: The speed control is enabled (thus the speed and current controllers are enabled). Use to set the target speed.
3: The position control is enabled (thus the speed, current and position controllers are enabled). Use to set the target position. - M.pwm
- The PWM applied to the motor. Ranges from -1400 to 1400.
- M.current
- The actual current in the motor, in milliamperes. Only updated if the PID controller is enabled.
- M.speed
- The actual speed of the motor. Unit: Pulses per speed controller period. Only updated if the PID controller is enabled.
- M.position
- The actual position of the motor. The unit depends on implementation (see below). Only updated if the PID controller is enabled.
- The target current of the current controller, in milliamperes.
- The target speed of the speed controller. Unit: Pulses per speed controller period.
- The target position of the speed controller. The unit depends on implementation (see below).
Note on Position Units
The raw position unit is encoder pulses. It can be accessed via M.enc._pulse (32 bit). In order to use 16 bit variables in the controller, the pulses are shifted to the right by an amount specified in M.enc.shift. All other position variables (M.position, are measured in this unit.
Also note that in the raw unit, each rising or falling edge on either encoder channel (A or B) is counted as a pulse. A 32 tick encoder with two channels thus has 32*4 = 128 pulses per revolution.
Hidden Variables
These variables relate to the parameters of the physical motor, so they should be set once at the start of the code. This is the reason why they are hidden by default (i.e. not shown in the variable tree in Aseba Studio, except if the option “Show hidden variables” is on).
- The period, in milliseconds, of the current controller.
If positive and is 1, 2 or 3 the PID is executing. If negative the PID is not executing and M.pwm is directly applied without any safeguard on the motor. The event is generated at the specified period (absolute value). The maximum period is 400 ms. -
- The Kp term of the current controller, must be positive.
- The Ki term of the current controller, must be positive.
- The scaler term of the current controller, must be ≥ 0.
- The period multiplier of the speed and position controller. Must be > 0.
- The actual speed of the motor in raw units (pulses per speed controller time period).
- The target speed of the motor in raw units (pulses per speed controller time peroid).
- The Kp term of the speed controller, must be positive.
- The Ki term of the speed controller, must be positive.
- The Kd term of the speed controller, must be positive.
- The scaler term of the speed controller, must be ≥ 0.
- The maximum speed in raw units (pulses per speed controller time peroid). This value is automatically overwritten each time is changed.
- The Kp term of the position controller, must be positive.
- The Kd term of the position controller, must be positive.
- The scaler term of the position controller, must be ≥ 0.
- The target position in raw units (pulses).
- The nominal current of the motor, in milliamperes.
- The thermal time constant of the motor, in milliseconds.
- Set to one allows the motor to exceed the software-defined bounds.
- M._raw_current
- The motor's current in raw units.
- M.enc._pulse
- The motor's position in raw units (pulses).
- M.enc.shift
- Number of bits that the encoder position in raw units (pulses) is shifted to the right in order to get the position value stored in M.position. E.g. setting M.enc.shift = 3 leads to division of encoder ticks by 8 to give position ticks.
The following events are generated by the motor controller:-
- This event is triggered at the end of execution of every speed controller.
Note: Even if the motor controller is set to current mode, the event will be triggered at the rate of the speed controller. - M.overcurrent
- This event is triggered when the mean current of the motor is higher than its nominal current. This implies that the maximum current of the motor is reduced to the nominal current of the motor.
- M.overcurrent.cleared
- This event is triggered after M.overcurrent when the mean current of the motor is back to lower than 90 % of the nominal current.
You should not alter the settings, unless you know what you are doing. All the position are relative to the start of the Standard Motor Module section.
- 0
- Kp of the current controller.
- 1
- Ki of the current controller.
- 2
- Scaler of the current controller.
- 3
- Prescaler of the speed and position period.
- 4
- Kp of the speed controller.
- 5
- Kd of the speed controller.
- 6
- Ki of the speed controller.
- 7
- Scaler of the speed controller.
- 8
- Maximum current allowed in the motor, in milliamperes.
- 9
- Nominal current of the motor, in milliamperes.
- 10
- Motor's heating time constant, in milliseconds.
- 11
- Maximum speed allowed, unit is implementation dependent.
- 12
- Kp of the position controller.
- 13
- Kd of the position controller.
- 14
- Scaler of the position controller.
- 15
- Period of the current controller, in milliseconds.
- 16
- Raw offset of the current.
- 17
- Software maximum bound on position.
- 18
- Software minimum bound on position.
If the maximum and minimum positions are equal, the software end stops are disabled.
Code samples
Open-loop control (no PID) = -10 = 1 = 1
mot1.pwm = 100
Position Control with PID
# Current PID data = 1 # 1 kHz (PID Frequency Current) = 15 = 1 = 10 # current PID output divider
# Speed PID data = 5 # 200Hz (PID Frequency Speed & Position) = 1 = 1 = 1 = 10 # speed PID output divider
# position PID data = 1 = 5 = 50 # position PID output divider
mot1.enc.shift = 2 # position unit: 2^2 = 4 encoder pulses
# motor data = 823 = 1000 = 500 = 11000
# start position PID = 3 = 0
# make a step of 2000 (500 * 4) encoder pulses when pushing the button
onevent button = + 500
Distance Sensors
set_pulse(io, mode)
- io: io id
- mode: 0 == transistor open-drain, high-impedance, 1 == transistor open-drain, grounded, -1 == distance sensor (synchronized pulse for infrared), default: 0