e-puck kit
There exists an Aseba firmware for the e-puck, its source tree lies here, along with compilation instructions.
We provide an pre-compiled kit. To install Aseba on your e-puck, download it and execute the following steps:
- flash epuckBTseteventfilter.hex to the e-puck.
- put the e-puck's selector on zero, reset e-puck, all LEDs should be on.
- flash epuckaseba.hex to the e-puck.
Then you can connect to the e-puck using Bluetooth (instructions for Linux).
- Scan for devices:
- hcitool scan
- Once you see an entry for your e-puck with its name, such as 10:00:E8:6C:A1:B5 e-puck_1980, bind an rfcomm port to it, as shown in this example:
- sudo rfcomm bind 0 10:00:E8:6C:A1:B5
- Then connect to a serial target corresponding to this port, for instance:
- asebaswitch -d -v "ser:device=/dev/rfcomm0"