This page describes the use of communication between Thymios to implement a distributed algorithm. In distributed programming, the processes do not have access to a global construct like a semaphore. Instead, the synchronisation must be accomplished by exchanging messages.
Explaining communications.
Two processes take part in exchanging a message: the sender process S sends messages M1, M2, … to a receiver process R. There are two types of communications:
- Synchronous communication: A message M is sent by S if and only if the receiver R is ready to receive it. Thus, synchronous communication achieves direct synchronisation between S and R. The interaction between S and R is called a rendezvous, because it is similar to what happens when two people agree to meet at a specific location like a cafe. If S arrives first, it waits for R, and if R arrives first it waits for S.
- Asynchronous communication: The sender S can send its message M when it is ready; it need not wait for the receiver R. Similarly, R can receive M even if S sent M a long time ago. This type of communication is not time dependent and doesn’t directly lead to synchronisation between the processes. It does require a buffer B, which is a area in memory used to store the messages M1, M2, … that have been sent but that have not yet been received. This leads to complications that must be considered: What happens if B is full when S wants to send a new message? What happens if the B is empty when R wants to receive a message?
Can you think of examples from real life of synchronous and asynchronous communications?
Solving the producer-consumer problem with the Thymios:
The producer-consumer problem is a fundamental problem in concurrent and distributed programming. Several processes, called producers, generate data that is needed by several other processes, called consumers. The project presented on this page describes how several producer Thymios transmits colours to several consumer Thymios.
The program in the Thymios will implement a state machine. At any time, the program is in one of several states; the program can make a transition from one state to another depending on what it senses. The initial state is the road state.
The producer Thymio: This Thymio “produces” colours. Initially, the display is off, and, after a random time, it lights up with a random colour, which must be sent in a message and “consumed” by a consumer Thymio. Once the colour is sent, the producer Thymio returns to its initial state.

Road: In this state, the robot moves along the road.
Line following and collision avoidance are performed.
Action: In this state, the Thymio decides whether to turn into the communications area.
Send: In this state, the message is sent.
Thymio sends a colour using a communications protocol.
The consumer Thymio: This Thymio “consumes” colours sent by the producer Thymio. Initially, the display is off. When it is ready to receive a colour, it goes to the communications area. After receiving the colour, it is displayed and after a random time, the Thymio goes back to the initial state.

Road: In this state, the robot moves along the road.
Line following and collision avoidance are performed.
Action: In this state, the Thymio decides whether to turn into the communications area.
Receive:In this state, the message is received.
The Thymio receives a colour and displays it.
The following sections demonstrate synchronous and asynchronous communications:
Synchronous communications by rendezvous:
In communication by rendezvous, the sending and receiving Thymios have to wait until both are ready to communicate.
The following diagram shows the communication protocol:

The behaviour of the Thymios with the program is shown in the following video:
This program is correct because the Thymios send and receive data in the correct order and without losing data.
To go further:
What happens if one of the Thymios moves much faster than the other?
Is the data stored somewhere during the communication?
What if there are more than two processes?
Asynchronous communications using a buffer:
A buffered channel enables asynchronous communication where the processes don't need to wait for each other. The transmitted data is stored in a buffer. These channels are similar to mailboxes, where the postman brings several letters and the people in the house take them. In fact, if the people are on vacation, the postman may make several deliveries before the people take the letters. A mailbox has a capacity, which is the number of letters one can put in the mailbox before it gets full. Similarly, a buffer has a capacity: the number of messages it can store. In our example, we specify that the buffer can store 8 messages (colours).
The following diagram shows the communication protocol:

The behaviour of the Thymios with the program is shown in the following video:
To go further
What should happen if the buffer is empty when the consumer wants to receive a message?
What should happen if the buffer is full when the producer wants to send a message?
Do it yourself
- To construct the tracks for the Thymios, print out the PDF files of the track segments that are contained in this archive.
- The source code of the programs is available in this archive.