The Aseba language

The Aseba language

This help is also available within Aseba Studio in the Help->Language menu. When using technical words, these are linked to the corresponding Wikipedia article. You might also want to read the concepts page first. The page presents the language of versions 1.2 and 1.3 of Aseba, for earlier versions, please read this page.

The Aseba language syntax resembles that of a popular class of programming languages, including Pascal and Matlab (a common scientific programming language) for instance; we expect this similarity to allow developers with previous knowledge of any of these languages to feel quickly at ease with Aseba and thus lower the learning curve. Semantically, it is a simple imperative programming language with a single basic data type (16 bit signed integers) and arrays. This simplicity allows developers to program behaviours with no prior knowledge of a type system, integers being the most natural type of variables and well suited to programming microcontroller-based mobile robots.


Comments allow the adding of information which is ignored by the compiler. Comments are very useful to annotate the code with human-readable notes or to temporarily disable some code. Comments begin with a # and terminate at the end of the line.


# this is a comment
var b # another comment

Comments spanning several lines are also possible. They begin with #* and end with *#.


this is a comment spanning
several lines
var b # a simple comment


Scalar values are used in Aseba to represent numbers. They can be used in any expressions, like the initialisation of a variable, a mathematical expression or in a logical condition. The values are comprised between -32768 and 32767, which is the range of 16 bit signed integers.


Scalars can be given using several radices. The most natural way is the decimal system, using digits from 0 to 9. Negative numbers are declared using a - (minus) sign preceding the number.

i = 42
i = 31415
i = -7

Both binary and hexadecimal numbers can also be used. Binary numbers are prefixed by 0b, whereas hexadecimal numbers are prefixed by 0x.

# binary notation
i = 0b110         # i = 6
i = 0b11111111    # i = 255

# hexadecimal notation
i = 0x10    # i = 16
i = 0xff    # i = 255

In binary notation, values are comprised between 0b0000000000000000 and 0b1111111111111111, while in hexadecimal they are comprised between 0x0 and 0xffff. Values that would be over 32767 in decimal are interpreted as negative numbers.


Variables refer either to single scalar values or to arrays of scalar values. You must declare all user-defined variables using the keyword var at the beginning of the Aseba programme before doing any processing.

The name of a variable is defined by these rules:

  • The name can only contain upper or lower case alphanumeric characters, '_' or '.'
  • The name must start with a valid alphabetic character or '_'
  • The name is case sensitive: a variable named "foo" is different from one named "Foo"
  • The name cannot be identical with one of Aseba's keywords (see reserved keywords)

Variables may be initialised in the declaration, using the assignment symbol and combined with any valid mathematical expression. A variable without any prior initialisation may have a random value, it should never be assumed to be zero.


var a
var b = 0
var c = 2*a + b        # warning: 'a' is not initialised

Reserved keywords

The following keywords cannot be used as valid names for variables, as they are already used by the Aseba language.

abs call callsub do
else elseif emit end
for if in onevent
return step sub then
var when while


Constants can be defined in Aseba Studio using the "Constants" panel, but they cannot be defined directly in the code. A constant represents a numeric value which can be used wherever a number can be used. But unlike a variable, a constant cannot be modified during execution. Constants are useful when you want to easily change the behaviour between different executions, such as to adapt a threshold value, with a scope spanning several Aseba nodes. A constant cannot have the same name as a variable, otherwise an error is raised. By convention, a constant is often written in upper case.

# assuming a constant named THRESHOLD
var i = 600

if i > THRESHOLD then
    i = THRESHOLD - 1


Arrays represent a contiguous area in memory, addressed as a single logical entity. The size of an array is fixed and must be specified in the declaration. Arrays can be declared using the usual square bracket operator []. The number between the square brackets specifies the number of elements to be assigned to the array, thereafter referred to as its size. It can be any constant expression, including mathematical operations using scalars and constants. An optional assignment can be made using the array constructor (see below). If this is done, the size of the array need not be specified.


var a[10]              # array of 10 elements
var b[3] = [2,3,4]     # initialisation
var c[] = [3,1,4,1,5]  # implicit size of 5 elements
var d[3*FOO-1]         # size declared using a constant expression (FOO is a constant)

Arrays can be accessed in several ways:

  • A single element is accessed by using the square bracket operator with a single value. Array indexes begin at zero. Any expression can be used as index, including mathematical expressions involving other variables.
  • A range of elements can be accessed by using the square bracket operator with two constant expressions separated by a colon ':'. The validity of the range is checked at compile-time.
  • If the square brackets are omitted, the entire array is accessed.


var foo[5] = [1,2,3,4,5]
var i = 1
var a
var b[3]
var c[5]
var d[5]

a = foo[0]        # copy first element from 'foo' to 'a'
a = foo[2*i-2]    # same
b = foo[1:3]      # take 2nd, 3rd and 4th elements of 'foo', copy to 'b'
b = foo[1:2*2-1]  # same
c = foo           # copy 5 elements from array 'foo' to array 'c'
d = c * foo       # multiply arrays 'foo' and 'c' element by element, copy result to 'd'

A scalar variable is considered to be an array of size one so the following code is legal:

var a[1] = [7]
var b = 0
b = a

Array constructors

Array constructors are a way to build arrays from variables, other arrays, scalars, or even complex expressions. They are useful in several cases, for example when initialising another array, or as operands in expressions, functions and events. An array constructor is made by using square brackets enclosing several expressions separated by a , (comma). The size of an array constructor is the sum of the sizes of the individual elements, and it must match the size of the array in which the result is stored.


var a[5] = [1,2,3,4,5]  # array constructor to initialise an array
var b[3] = [a[1:2],0]   # results in array b initialised to [2,3,0]
a = a + [1,1,1,1,1]     # add 1 to each element of array a
a = [b[1]+2,a[0:3]]     # results in [5,2,3,4,5]

Expressions and assignments

Expressions allow mathematical computations and are written using the normal mathematical infix syntax. Assignments use the keyword = and set the result of the computation of an expression into a scalar variable, an array element or a whole array, depending on the size of the operands. Aseba provides several operators. Please refer to the table below for a brief description, as well as for the precedence of each operator. To evaluate an expression in a different order, pairs of parentheses can be used to group sub-expressions.

Precedence Operator Description Associativity Arity
1 () Group a sub-expression unary
[] Index an array unary
- Unary minus unary
~ Binary not unary
abs Absolute value unary
2 * / Multiplication, division binary
% Modulo binary
3 + - Addition, subtraction binary
4 << >> Left shift, right shift binary
5 & Binary and Left associative binary
6 ^ Binary exclusive or (xor) Left associative binary
7 | Binary or Left associative binary
8 == != < <= > >= Condition † binary
9 not Logical not unary
10 and Logical and binary
11 or Logical or binary
12 = Assignment binary
|= ^= &= Assignment by binary or, xor, and binary
*= /= Assignment by product and quotient binary
%= Assignment by modulo binary
+= -= Assignment by sum and difference binary
<<= >>= Assignment by left / right shift binary
++ -- Unary increment and decrement unary

† Only available from within if, when, and while structures
‡ Only available as statements, such as a-- or a[i]++, not within an expression

The assignment by versions of the binary operators work by applying the operator to a variable and storing the result in this same variable. For instance, A *= 2 is equal to A = A * 2. These short-cuts aim at making the code more readable.


a = 1 + 1
# Result: a = 2
a *= 3
# Result: a = 6
# Result: a = 7

b = b + d[0]
b = (a - 7) % 5
c[a] = d[a]
c[0:1] = d[2:3] * [3,2]


Mathematical expressions are a general tool. As such, they can be used in a great variety of situations. Just to mention a few:

  • On the right side of an assignment
  • As an index when accessing elements of arrays
  • Inside function calls
  • As argument when emitting an event

Flow control


Aseba provides two types of conditionals statements: if-statements and when-statements. A conditional statement consists of a conditional expression and blocks of code. Conditional expressions are formed from a comparison operator and two operands which are arithmetic expressions; for example, a < b+3 is a conditional expression. The following table lists the comparison operators:

Operator Truth value
== true if operands are equal
!= true if operands are different
> true if first operand is strictly larger than the second one
>= true if the operand is larger or equal to the second one
< true if first operand is strictly smaller than the second one
<= true if the operand is smaller or equal to the second one

A conditional expression may also be formed by combining comparison expressions with the logical operators and (logical conjunction), or (logical disjunction) and not (logical negation); for example, (a < b+3) or (a < 0). Precedence can be controlled by parentheses; for example ((a < b) or (b < c)) and ((d < e) or (e < f)). While the Aseba language does not have boolean variables or literals — so you cannot write flag = true or if flag then — the result of a comparison is considered to be a boolean value (true or false) that can be used with the logical operators. Conditional expressions are also used in while-statements (see section loops).

Both if and when execute a different block of code according to whether a condition is true or false; but when executes the block corresponding to true only if the previous evaluation of the condition was false and the current one is true. This allows the execution of code only when something changes. The if conditional executes a first block of code if the condition is true, a second block of code to execute if the condition is false can be added using the else keyword. Furthermore, additional conditions can be chained using the elseif keyword.


if a - b > c[0] then
    c[0] = a
elseif a > 0 then
    b = a
    b = 0

if a < 2 and a > 2 then
    b = 1
    b = 0

when a > b do
    leds[0] = 1

Here the when block executes only when a becomes larger than b.


Two constructs allow the creation of loops: while and for.

A while loop repeatedly executes a block of code as long as the condition is true. The condition is of the same form as the one if uses.


while i < 10 do
    v = v + i * i
    i = i + 1

A for loop allows a variable to iterate over a range of integers, with an optional step size.


for i in 1:10 do
    v = v + i * i
for i in 30:1 step -3 do
    v = v - i * i

The value of the loop variable is undefined after the execution of the loop. It will usually be the last value + step, but can take another value due to optimisations, for instance in single-element loops.



When you want to perform the same sequence of operations at two or more different places in the code, you can write common code just once in a subroutine and then call this subroutine from different places. You define a subroutine using the sub keyword followed by the name of the subroutine. You call the subroutine using the callsub keyword, followed by the name of the subroutine. Subroutines cannot have arguments, nor be recursive, either directly or indirectly. Subroutines can access any variable.


var v = 0

sub toto
v = 1

onevent test
callsub toto


Aseba is an event-based architecture, which means that events trigger code execution asynchronously.
Events can be external, for instance a user-defined event coming from another Aseba node, or internal, for instance emitted by a sensor that provides updated data. The reception of an event executes, if defined, the block of code that begins with the onevent keyword followed by the name of the event; the code at the top of the programme is executed when the programme is started or reset.

To allow the execution of related code upon new events, programmes must not block and thus must not contain any infinite loop. For instance in the context of robotics, where a traditional robot control programme would do some processing inside an infinite loop, an Aseba programme would just do the processing inside a sensor-related event.


var run = 0

onevent start
run = 1

onevent stop
run = 0

Return Statement

It is possible to early return from subroutines and stop the execution of events with the return statement.


var v = 0

sub toto
if v == 0 then
v = 1

onevent test
callsub toto
v = 2


Statements placed between the variable declarations and the subroutines and event handlers are run when the program is initialized:

var state

state = 0
call leds.bottom.left(0,0,32)
call leds.bottom.right(0,32,0)

While the initialization of state could have been done in its declaration, the initialization of the leds must be done by statements.

When programming a robot, you will usually want to define some event that will re-initialize the state of the robot. This is possible by writing the statements within a subroutine and calling it from the event handler. It is also possible to call the subroutine as part of the program initialization even though it has not yet been declared:

var state

callsub init  # Initialize the program

# Subroutine for initialization
sub init
    state = 0
    call leds.bottom.left(0,0,32)
    call leds.bottom.right(0,32,0)

# Re-initialize when center button is touched
    callsub init

Sending external events

The programme can send external events by using the emit keyword, followed by the name of the event and the name of the variable to send, if any. If a variable is provided, the size of the event must match the size of the argument to be emitted. Instead of a variable, array constructors and mathematical expressions can also be used in more complex situations. Events allow the programme to trigger the execution of code on another node or to communicate with an external programme.

onevent ir_sensors
emit sensors_values proximity_sensors_values

Native functions

We designed the Aseba language to be simple in order to allow a quick understanding even by novice developers and to implement the virtual machine efficiently on a micro-controller. To perform complex or resource-intensive processing, we provide native functions that are implemented in native code for efficiency. For instance, a native function is the natural way to implement a scalar product.

Native functions are safe, as they specify and check the size of their arguments, which can be constants, variables, array accesses, array constructors and expressions. In the case of an array, you can access the whole array, a single element, or a sub-range of the array. Native functions take their arguments by reference and can modify their contents but do not return any value. You can use native functions through the call keyword.


var a[3] = 1, 2, 3
var b[3] = 2, 3, 4
var c[5] = 5, 10, 15
var d
call, a, b, 3)
call, a, c[0:2], 3)
call[0], c[0:2], 3)

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