Thymio A La Nuit Des Musees

Thymio A La Nuit Des Musees

by Manon, Léa, Maria

Done with 5+ Thymio


Art, sound, music, drama

This page presents the exhibition created by Manon, Lea and Maria for the event « la nuit des musées 2015 de Lausanne » : the exhibition in the RLC building at EPFL. This event took place on September 26, 2015, from 2pm to 12pm.

The exhibition was composed of various installations, all based on the Thymio robot, and the most important playing on light effects.

The welcome installation and description of the exhibition

The welcome installation was built on a Thymio robot pushing with its wheels a strip of paper with the welcome text, in a loop.


Instead of having the robot moving, here is the paper that moves under the wheels of Thymio.


Mobile directions indicator

A Thymio gave directions to visitors by moving within a strip of paper. A black line was drawn inside, so that the robot would stay inside the paper stripe. The line was interrupted at one location, forcing the robot to turn.


This robot was one of the attractions for the little children who arrived in the expo space.


Top view:


The bar

To welcome people, nothing better than a nice drink and something to eat, served by robots of course. A large area was therefore reserved for tables that allowed the robots to distribute food.


Robots were circulating on tracks in order to distribute the food.


In order to make the food service more interactive, three robots could be called with remote controls. They came to bring their food and then went back to their original position.


The show

The central event was made by a multitude of Thymios moving in cones of paper reflecting their light. Here are some pictures of this poetic part, beginning with an overview of the installation:


as well as an image with normal lighting:


All became magic once cones were lit by the Thymios:


with a closer view:


This part was intended to be interactive:


Small installations with Thymio

Various other activities based on Thymio were proposed: the remote control of a walking beast, based on the design of Theo Jansen


With its 8 legs, it is fascinating to watch


There was also a remote controlled Knight that had to centre a target


as well as a fairly aggressive cat


Thanks to all visitors for the great interaction during this wonderful night.

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