Contribute to our project

The contributor centre is in English only.

Welcome to the contributor center

Thymio and Aseba are open-source projects. Contribute means giving a bit of your time and energy to these projects. There are different levels of contribution, depending on your interests.

Contribute to the Wiki

This website ( is a wiki, which means that it can be edited by anyone! Concretely, you can:

Automatic redirection and New Homepage

To help visitors find the right content we decided to change our Home page so we can display news and updates.

This page replaces the language selection page. You are now automatically redirected, based on your browser language.

Note that you have the possibility to change the language manually with the buttons in the top-left corner of any page.

Interested in contributing to the Wiki? Go have a deeper look into which resources can support you:

Contribute to Thymio

Thymio is constantly being developed and enhanced by the community. You can play your part in it. Concretely, you can:

Interested in contributing to Thymio? Go have a deeper look into which resources can support you:

Contribute to Aseba

Aseba is the core software technology behind Thymio and its programming environments. Its source code and its bug tracker are on github, a web site for collaborative software development. You can participate in the development of Aseba in different ways:

The Specifications document design decisions.

Communicate with the community

If you are a user or a teacher, get in touch with the community through the forum.

If you are a software engineer, join us on github.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License